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ELCOS s.r.l.
Albignasego (PADOVA) Italy - 35020  Via L. Zara, 40/A 
Tel. 049 8629029    Fax 049 8629203  e-mail: info@elcos.us

R.E.A. di Padova n. 209411 Reg. Imprese m. 29651
Codice fiscale e Partita IVA 02117470282

Administration manager norma@elcos.us
Production manager giulio@elcos.us
Chief of technical department renato@elcos.us
PTH/SMD manager massimo@elcos.us

Our team is always at your full disposal for any information you may require.

While sending the present form I herewith authorize the use of my personal data (as per Italian law 675/96) for the sole aim of receiving further relevant information.
(note legali)


